Monday, June 18, 2012


I'm mostly writing this blog to remember this busy season of life.  Of course, life with two little kids is inevitably busy!  There's a lot of housework, laundry, meals, bottles, baths, toys, etc.  But I've also committed myself to a lot of outside "stuff", for lack of a better word.  I' m doing my best to keep my priorities straight- God first, Brandon next, the girls next, my other family next, and then my church family/commitments.  

Here's everything on my plate besides home/family stuff:  Ladies Board at church, Prayer Coordinator (steering team) for MOPS in the fall, music leader for Bible study in the fall, music team for VBS next week, keyboard/vox 2 times a month at church, playing 1st part for the upcoming concerts for Rivercity Concert Band, co-leading a college girls Bible study, mission project to the Moriah House. Whew! That was even a lot to type!  Not to mention I'm trying to exercise 3 times a week at least too...

Oh, did I mention all the house projects I've been working on??? geez, no wonder I've been tired lately!

But like it says in 1 Corinthians... if I do a whole list of things but "have not love, I am nothing".  So, that's my focus.  Doing everything because Jesus first loved me and has given me this life to serve Him in, not to earn His favor but from an overflow of gratitude toward Him.

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