Monday, April 9, 2012


We celebrated Easter in a new way this year. On Good Friday we attended Second Presbyterian Church with my Mom (Dad was out of town) and had a sitter for the girls. We thought the sermon and music were outstanding and have stuck distantly in our minds since. We were reminded of Jesus's great sacrifice. The points of the sermon were that Jesus's own sufferings (on earth) were conquered, the need for a continual sacrifice for sin was conquered through Jesus's "once for all" sacrifice, and that the sting of death was removed- and "already by not yet" death, sorrow, pain- were all conquered. Praise the Lord!

On Easter Sunday the Easter bunny visited and brought Charli and Claire some new puzzles, a DVD, and of course some "nim-nims" (m&ms). I had to hurry out the door very early but I thankfully got to see Charli see her basket of goodies. I played in the orchestra and Brandon did a great job not only getting the girls in their Easter dresses but also fixed their hair (a big task... have you seen Claire's wild mohawk?!) and took their picture!

After church the girls napped then we went to Mom and Dad's for an Easter egg hunt, gifts, dinner, and a surprise birthday party for Dad. What a wonderful time with our, now, family of 9! I made Dad some golf themed cupcakes. He was happily surprised with his birthday 'party'.
For a Christian, Easter is the happiest day of the year. We are reminded "from whence we came" and I always think of what my life would be like without what Jesus did on the cross. It would be a mess. I would be lost. I would be dead in my sins, unable to do good or save myself. I would be living in utter hopelessness. So, when I celebrate Easter I celebrate every blessing in my life- because they are only mine because of the perfect sacrifice God made in putting my sin on His own Son. I no longer bear the eternal consequence of my sin (hell) and I am able to "approach the throne of grace with confidence". Confidence in that what Jesus did was all sufficient for me.

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