Why is it that kids get sick on weekends and holidays? I know my parents have many a story of being out of town and we get sick and need to see a doctor. Charli and I were at the Minor Med this morning for 2 hours. Two hours of waiting to see a FNP for literally less than 2 minutes. And guess what? It's exactly what I was sure it was! There was no way I was paying an additional $30 to see her for 2 minutes. If Charli has pink eye and I have irritated, watery eyes too- what are the chances that mine isn't pink eye? Slim to none, I'm thinking. So, 2 hours down. We're both hungry and feeling crappy and we have to go to the pharmacy. Thankfully my consolation is that we use the Target pharmacy and I always have a happy feeling going to target. ;-) We get there and they say it'll be 15 minutes, despite that the Minor Med was supposed to have called/faxed in the prescription. We wait. Come back and the pharmacist says that the co-pay on on the drops is $50. What the heck. She asks if they gave me a coupon. I say no and my
We leave, drops in hand, and though it was not how I planned on spending my Memorial Day morning, I'm thankful that Brandon can handle Claire while Charli and I are most contagious.
The rest of the day was pretty chill. Brandon and I got out in the yard during the girls' nap and weeded the beds, watered, trimmed some bushes, and sprayed for bugs. I made Taco soup, gave the girls baths, and caught up on some DVRed shows. I'm going to bed early and hoping my eye will feel better in the morning!
We have dealt with pink eye a couple times in our house. I seem to always be the only adult to get it ;). It's nasty stuff but I would take it over the stomach big any day of the week! Glad you all are better, and way to go Charlie for taking the drops so well! I remember sitting on some kids in my days.... hahaha