This Easter was a bit anti-climactic for me and it all had to do with weather (no pun intended). We had such a mild winter and signs of an early spring but then BAM- freezing, rainy yucky weather hit. Not only is it annoying with my 1/2 marathon training, it's killer when you have two kids who want to play in the backyard since they got a little taste of it already. Soggy grass and toddler and little girly girl do not mix. I was hopeful that at least Easter would be nice. Wrong again. It rained most of the day.
So... church was great. We talked a lot about the meaning of Easter and opted out of the whole Easter bunny thing. I think we're dropping Santa next year too. In theory I had planned on doing these "fun" parts of the holiday, but what I've realized is it becomes all-consuming for the child. Anyway, I digress. We talked a lot about why Jesus came to the world, why He died, and we sang praises in thankfulness for His resurrection. My favorite part was actually what Charli learned about Palm Sunday.
We asked her, "When Jesus came to Jerusalem what did all the people shout to Him?"
Charli, "Hosanna! Hosanna!"
Me, "What does that mean?"
Charli, "Save us now!"
Me, "What did the people think Jesus was coming to do?"
Charli, "Be the king..."
Me, "But He wasn't coming to be the king of their city, was He?"
Charli, "no- the king of their hearts!" as she points to her chest.
Hallelujah to the Risen King, the King of our hearts!
The 2nd half of our Easter Sunday was great. After the girls got up from their naps we headed to my parents' house. Brooks, Lee & Becky were already there. Aunt Becky wanted to dye eggs and Charli was thrilled to get to help! They bonded in a new special way through that. Charli also warmed up to Uncle Lee in a new way and was cuddled up in his lap with
Where's Waldo (which she also mis-called "where's Wallace" one time) by the end of the day. It did my heart so good to see all that love blossom. And for the record, I'm dying to be AUNT BESS. It just sounds right, doesn't it!? Charli heard me say I wanted to be Aunt Bess and she said, "mommy, I don't want you to be my aunt, I want you to be my mommy forever!" Sweet, sensitive, Charli. I cleared it up that I wasn't changing for her and she was very relieved.
Even if we got rained out of an easter egg hunt, what really mattered Easter Sunday happened.
as good as it gets with 2 kids in the same picture... |
claire loves to walk holding one hand |
how most of the pictures together ended up |
gave up on a sister shot and got individuals |
i let claire hold a bunny and crawl around to get a smile |