This post is really more for when I look back at our blog books (I print one every couple years) so I can remember what our normal days looked like with baby/toddlers.
7am: Brandon leaves for work, Char & Claire wake (usually about 20 minute apart, thankfully) nurse Claire, take Charli to the potty & then fix her breakfast (always OJ and something like toast/fruit/oatmeal/waffles/muffin) - I MUST drink my coffee now haha.
7:45: Claire goes down for a nap
I get Charli dressed/brush teeth & hair. She sits on my bed and watches PBS while I shower/get dressed. She likes to watch Cat in the Hat, Super Why, and Sesame Street. (I hope when Claire can stay awake longer in the morning this will become our stroller walk/jog time!)
9: playtime for Charli and Mommy- usually coloring or just playing on the floor with toys together - Soon this will become our 'preschool' time.
10: Charli snack. (she usually has either a tangerine, applesauce, or blueberries) Claire wakes and nurses. Get her changed/dressed. This is the errand time if we need it. If we have MOPS, Bible study, playdate etc. I wake her at about 9 instead and nurse her and we leave immediately after.
11: Claire naps at home or snoozes at church/in car if I'm lucky.
12, noon: Lunch for me and Charli
12:30-1: Charli nap, I clean/nap/read/start dinner/laundry etc.
1-1:30: Claire wakes & nurses, I continue dinner/chores with Claire to chit-chat with ;)
2: Claire naps
3: Charli wakes, has a snack, and we try to have active playtime, outside if at all possible, until Claire wakes up
4: Claire wakes & nurses - if I haven't started dinner I start it now- Charli plays in her room or sits at the kitchen table to play with playdoh, color, play with magnets etc.
5-6 Brandon gets home and we eat as soon as he arrives, followed with baths for the girls, playtime with daddy
7: nurse Claire and put her to bed / stories, songs, prayer and bedtime for Charli
7:30-10 or 11: RELAX with Brandon and sometimes exercise together/do projects/watch our fav shows, etc